Jual ONEBIZ Aluminum Alloy Seal Lock (Concave and Convex Type) OB 14-BDQF04-4 Aluminum Alloy Material 4mm Dia*200mm Length Steel Cable
Jual ONEBIZ Aluminum Alloy Seal Lock (Concave and Convex Type) OB 14-BDQF04-4 Aluminum Alloy Material 4mm Dia*200mm Length Steel Cable
Lototo.co.id adalah Distributor resmi ONEBIZ Aluminum Alloy Seal Lock (Concave and Convex Type) OB 14-BDQF04-4 Aluminum Alloy Material 4mm Dia*200mm Length Steel Cable di Indonesia. ONEBIZ sendiri merupakan perusahaan nasional yang fokus mengembangkan produk Lockout Tagout.
Spesifikasi :
- Product Name : Aluminum Alloy Seal Lock (Concave and Convex Type)
- Merk : ONEBIZ
- Product Code : OB 14-BDQF04-4
- Certification : CE, OSHAS18001, ISO14001, ISO9001
- Material : The lock body is made of high-quality aluminum alloy
- Lead seals are used to seal and prevent them from being opened by unauthorized individuals or others. Once properly locked, it cannot be opened unless severely damaged (i.e., cut).
- Easy to install, simple structure, safety protection, good anti-theft performance, strong and durable, high hardness treatment, strong durability, not easy to age, good insulation performance, acid-resistant, temperature-resistant, corrosion-resistant, suitable for use.
- Application fields include finance, electric power, general goods, shipping, instruments, military industry, transportation, material supervision, parks, petrochemicals, customs, medical care, food, military, and other related safety requirements.
- The lock body is made of high-quality aluminum alloy.
- The lock cable material is high-quality aviation steel cable.
- The lock body color can be customized.
- Photo 2 & Photo 3 as usage illustrations.
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Baca Juga : ONEBIZ Aluminum Alloy Seal Lock (Concave and convex type) OB 14-BDQF04-3 Aluminum Alloy Material 2.5mm Dia*200mm Length Steel Cable, ONEBIZ.id
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